Education & Social Sciences

Social Work

Do you have a desire to help people in need?

Do you like interacting with people – discovering similarities, honoring differences? Are you the one your friends turn to when they need someone to listen? Do you want to help others heal, grow, and achieve their full potential? Are you concerned for human rights and want to see people treated fairly and with dignity?

Social work may be your future.

From Manchester University, social work graduates go forth believing that every person has value – and the right to grow and develop to her/his potential. They have the knowledge and skills needed to make a difference in people's lives, and they take those abilities into careers focused on addictions, disabilities, hunger, child abuse, older adults, domestic violence, unemployment, homelessness, family services, youth development, health care, mental health, and juvenile delinquency and crime.

Social work graduates are also eligible to pursue professional social work licensure and advanced standing in master of social work programs.

Financial Assistance

In addition to merit scholarships, state, federal, and institutional aid available to students, incoming new students majoring in social work at Manchester also qualify for the Manchester Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP).

Once you are employed after graduation, if you earn less than $44,000 per year, we will help you repay your student (and parent PLUS) loans until you do.  

LRAP Eligibility


  • Enroll at Manchester and major in social work.
  • Must graduate with a Bachelor's degree from Manchester University (The LRAP is not transferable)
  • After graduation:
    • Must be employed an average of 30 hours/week and earn less than $44,000/year
    • Must work in the U.S. and cannot work for family


To learn more about the LRAP program, contact the Admissions Office or you may review the terms and conditions at

MU social work graduates have the ability and conviction to change the world for people who most need the world to change. 

For more information about the Social Work Program, please contact: 

Barb J. Burdge, PhD, MSW
Professor of Social Work
Social Work Program Director

ACEN 214, 260-982-5365

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